Middle-class bro... Who got knocked to a different life...

He has taken the responsibility of his family on his shoulder at the age of 25. Had to lock his dream and leave the key unfound.

Because he had to.
Take care of his father's medical situation, aging mother. Have to take care of his sister's education and marriage.

Had to say no to friends, fun, and the normal life of a 25.
He can't get angry with anyone, nor rest or get good sleep.

But he did love a girl unconditionally all through the pain, And was there for her, traveling miles to meet and spare some time with her, for much-needed rest.

Sometimes he did share pain and anger with her.. because he know the hug after that, Would heal his pain. He didn't have anyone other than she is his whole world to heal.
He trusted all her words when she said she will never leave him. 

That same boy today is now 27, Single. Who is taking care of his ill health father without a fall out in checkup, an aging mother with pride, educated his sisters to become Professor He made sure, that they always had enough food

but he knows that his hustle never stops,

And nobody, till the day asked on his dream or How he is..or his feeling? He still had this unhealed wound, which reminded him of her with a breeze. Still hoping to get healed one day. she did left him. But he never stopped loving her, because he always did love all her flaws.

I'm not built differently I'm normal guys, who have my feelings, pain, wanting to be happy, enjoy but I got knocked to a whole different life, which I never thought of happening or experienced.

Through his hustle, he learned some lessons.
He knows the value of dreams and helped fulfill others' dreams, Along with his sister and a bunch of other students, and help them to land a job. because he would have made it through if he didn't have a job.

He doesn't hesitate to ask others how are they doing? and did listen to them. Because sometimes all he need was someone to listen

He always kept a smile, because he knows some people see up to him, and he doesn't want to give up on them. 

Wonder what his dream is  ??
To lead a life of normal boys, who can sleep well without pain. who has someone to be loved, to have someone said as his girl?

Today on his birthday, he did expect a text message from her, Check her WhatsApp status and WhatsApp text status, but there was this unchanged note, which she have updated when she left him. But this time he was not hurt, coz deep down in heart he knows, she is not in pain as he is .. she is happy with that guy, who claimed to be perfect. Deep he knows himself that he was never perfect and she has loved his imperfection. In fact, if he was perfect he would have got knocked to whole different life.

He still follows his old habit.
Before he logs out for the day early Moring, she checks his WhatsApp to hoping to see her dp, same with Fb and Insta.
he knows that if he wants he can reach out to her.. but he is afraid of how she'd react,, or neither wants to disturb her if is she is having a better life. 

And if you wonder What his Dream was !!!

It was to live a normal life with the girl he loved and trusted most, but he know the key is Unfound with her. The only thing which he is so sure of is that is he still loves her unconditionally, maybe more.. and never did anyone crossed him as perfect as she is.
