
Showing posts from February, 2022

Middle-class bro... Who got knocked to a different life...

He has taken the responsibility of his family on his shoulder at the age of 25. Had to lock his dream and leave the key unfound. Because he had to. Take care of his father's medical situation, aging mother. Have to take care of his sister's education and marriage. Had to say no to friends, fun, and the normal life of a 25. He can't get angry with anyone, nor rest or get good sleep. But he did love a girl unconditionally all through the pain, And was there for her, traveling miles to meet and spare some time with her, for much-needed rest. Sometimes he did share pain and anger with her.. because he know the hug after that, Would heal his pain. He didn't have anyone other than she is his whole world to heal. He trusted all her words when she said she will never leave him.  That same boy today is now 27, Single. Who is taking care of his ill health father without a fall out in checkup, an aging mother with pride, educated his sisters to become Professor He made sure, that