one day...

“Forgive others as quickly as you expect God to forgive you.”

Bible verse.... 

I loved her to my life.. May be more than anything in my life.. 
She says she never forgive me again.. I know she is angry with me.. 
But she would realise one day that. She would have forgiven me a bit before. Because i would me moving that time. As she wanted i would be lost a million mile apart to prove her i never quit on her. 

Now then moment when i write this blog, my girl is have anger to kill me and split me into piece.. But she is nothing knowing that.. The heart that she have broken into millions of pieces are getting healed just on a hope to get her love.. Like god says.. Forgiveness is the right path and this ability is given by the highest god to his children. 
God has the ability to forgive any mistakes you have done and he always expects the same from his children.. 
All the 3 books says about it. 
Pooja may be forgiveness is the one good lesson you are learning in this hard way.. In future you will use this lesson to forgive everyone like i do.. But you will regret by not forgiving me. 
And the way i begged you. 
You still have no idea how much i love you and care for you.. 
I have accepted you for what you are not that what you was and not that what you will be... I have loved you every moment by forgiving the past.. But you still haven't forgiven me the mistake i have done 2 days before. 
Please forgive me.. Please accept me..

I know one day you will have to see this blog. But I really wish i should be dead by then because i can't see your tears....

Love you babee... I just want to be back with you.. God have forgiven those mistakes and we stand thankful to him, why we people, children of god can't forgive... 
