Letter to God..... Here i Come.... Take me with you.

Why me ?

why do you want to take her away from me. why did you made us the same way we are ? why did you made us meet ? and why did you made us in love ?

Why are you keeping me alive as the way i don't want to live any more. do you know 7 attempt , i was close enough to reach you to throw these question right in front of you..

She was my life , you know it right ? i have dreamed everything about her and you made us love to the core didn't you ? we love like married couples and now look what you have made...

 I was a person who never lied and hates a person who lie. and you made me go through it ???

what was the mistake that i have done ? Can i run away from my responsibility to take care of my father ?  How can i run away from the responsibility to take my sister to interview.

Why didn't you made her understand the relevance of helping the Covid Quarantine care.?

By doing this what have you gained my lord ?? are you preparing something better for me?

No i don't want that..... i don't want anything better , because she is my heaven , you now it.. Give her back to me , save her from all the problem , take care of her family , will you do that for me.

you may take half of my life, at least i can die in her lap, holding her hand. please god.. give her back to me...

yes i have ignore her, but you know what my situation was and how tough it was.. and i was out of my mind... why didn't you made her understand my situation is..

you know i have met with an accident while the way to her home, still i managed to reached her home, met her mom , loved her mom... why did you planned everything if you want to take her away from me.

Why have you shown all these dreams, if this was not suppose to happened.? 

You know i have tried everything to take away my life,, why do you wanna keep me alive.?.

you know i'm a living dead body , why don't you burn me off ? 

i never had sympathy on her because, why she be question for her parents mistake ? 

i'm coming with you take me away.

Take care of my Pooja, give her a safe heaven, take care of shalu amma.. please take care of my family..


