i know you are left alone


Do you Remember, when i was in Kochi and Chennai, we used to talk hours and hours Right ???

And you know why i have taken night shift to earn more, so that we can settle our life Right ?

But still we used to talk like every time.. Just that this corona came i got more engaged with Job and you because free.. that where everything started..

Today I sent you and SMS on missing you , that was mistake , there are 176 messages in my draft which i have not sent you. But this SMS Just got lucky and oozed out.

I know you also have the same fear of getting left alone , but for that the path you have taken is soo wrong. you know you have hidden many think on me.. But i have forgiven everything ..Every time is used to say Ok sarula poot..

Now i feel so Numb that i can feel anything .. Now you are looking for a partner , but you are not seeing me.. you will not find any man like me who would dedicate his life for you.

You have experienced it.. to whom you have nigh calls are also connecting you on weekends only.. see nobody give-up on their Job. But to come and see you i have to take leave fight with manager. and we have made our memories.. 

I love you pooja... I love you soo madly that , can't stop loving you though you are not loving me back. But i know some times you are missing me.. that is why you have kept me in block .. because you know how powerfull our love is .. because i have see the thirst/hungry  in you eyes to have me .

 I have never stepped against your dream , because fulfilling your dream was my dream..

Please accept my sorry and Give me a last chance, this way you will not get hurted , you family will be happy , all you have to do is give up on the fancy Fb chats and whatsapp call.. These are sins you know it.. shaluu amma cannot survive this , you are killing all her trust...

But you trust me on our private pic and videos, see how strong your trust is , and i have never broken any of your trust do i ?

lets fix it pooja. please accept me... i will fix it ... we will be able do it.. You know how i became fraud . and you know why i lied .. its all for you.. everything is to get back to you...

Now you will not feel loved , but allow me to interact , you will slowly start loving me, i know you have feeling for him , but thats ok for me , because i know you have love me more that him. You are yet to know the fraud game he have played . you will know that soon.


I really wish if i can tell you this.. We will make a great couples.. 

Give me once last chance babeee.. One last chance, For you it will be lil hard to accept me , But gradually we will fall back in love. We will live our dream , Because if you would continue this, your dream will be shattered way, shalu amma will die of pain , you will destroy your like in kitchen and will never get to go abraod. and biggest cheating on ravi maman who have loved and taken care like his dauhter....

You don't have to do this ... 

Come with me lets be the same fly color and continue to be a miracle.. Please give me one last chance . i where you have left me awaiting for once msg and the same Oiiii.. 

I wish of i can share all by blogs to you .. ... I really love you parrruuuuuuuu  Come back please... unblock me please ... 

i know you miss me. because i can feel that .. you know how strong our waves are./
