Best think happened to my life.

I would like to write this as an love letter, Because long before you have asked me to write a Love letter. those day we never needed any because we we always connected. and i know this letter will never reach you. so I'm gonna express with all my heart, you might find it shitty but this blog never gonna reach you.

From My Heart


My Darling,

           Let me start with love, i miss you like crazy and i really wish you would come back for me. My love for you is so lustful and as wild as sea. when i say this i really mean it. i want more just like i'm dying thirst. 

Do you remember how we first met ? Do you remember how i have found my way to you ? ok. since you have left me alone to fuck up with my time , let me take you through the each and every details of those melodious and marvelous days. So the question again.

Do you remember the How we first met ? mmm of so let me put up those glittering moments of my life which i found the way.

It all started on the way to Kochin Lulu Mall  where Sarath wanted to buy a gift for his love and he was about to travel all the way to manglore, by fraction of a second i thought yahh , why don't i surprise my girl. So i took some hard earned Pocket money, (obviously catering job earned money) and bought a gift , if you'd remember. that was the first ever time i'm buying a gift for a girl and i'm glad that it was for you.

bought it packed it and took train to that wonderful journey. That was the first time i'm going alone for a journey, that was a spectacular journey. i didn't know how to reach you, which station to hang on nothing.. all i had was a bag , water bottle , power bank and an old phone, which could restart any moment.

the train that i have taken was to Manglor Junction where i have should have taken the Train to Manglore centeral. So had to step out at Kansargod station and took next train which would go to Manglore Centeral. and way to confusion , i happened to step out a tokkotu station ealry morning which i didn't find any human. and with the Gps map , found way to the nearest high way and took auto to Yenapoya university. when all around the university because of the security, by the time , phone balance got finished because i didn't know that i was in STD , and recharged from the nearby shop. and called out akansha for direction , because part of the plan was you never knew that i was not comming it was sarath who would carry my gift to you. and akansha guided me to a canteen where we had our breakfast and ranged you to come to canteer.. i still remember the first punch that the first kiss.

The time we spent together was the best ever time of my life.  we locked our hands, i have hold you from falling , that umbrella, slight rain ,selfie wahhh.. all these thinks happens in movie only right ??? we have roamed in the campus for a while and finally you waved me off.. that was the best part of my life pooja beleiv it or not.
